Friday, 20 June 2014

Malaysian Yoga

Hello class. Lie back with your hands next to your side and facing up. For this next while let's leave any day to day tensions behind. Lightly close your eyes, swallow and release the tension in your mouth, eyes, face.

Bring your focus to this room, and our time here together. Focus on the breath. Breathe deeply into you lungs for the count of four. Hold. Out again for four.

Again bring your mind to the space around us, and focus on my voice. This time is your holiday; a short business trip; a coming home to loved ones. Focus on this your journey. Somewhere warm, tropical. This room is your flight. It is a Malaysian airline.

Again focus on your breathing, and make sure that you take your own deep breath on a count of four - one - two - three - four - before you assist others in the room. Imagine all your cares and tensions being accidentally disintegrated by a careless missile fired from a nearby naval ship or a careless military unit, accidentally blasting them into smithereens, and gently saying oops. Observe all the tiny pieces being carefully collected and placed where no-one will ever find them, while all attention is diverted a few thousand kilometres away. 

Dump all the remaining contents of your mind now into a little black box, and toss it hopefully into the Indian Ocean or the shallow South China Sea.  Anywhere really.  It might as well be the Sea of Tranquility. Allow it to touch the ocean floor lightly, silently, softly enough to be mistaken for the gentle kick from a barfridge on a naval sonar search vessel.

Now allow all trace of your existence to vanish from the face of the earth.

I have a gay Haitian friend who's taken on the new nickname MH370: His black box is often missing in action, and he dreams nightly that the navies of five countries are probing deeply to discover its secrets.

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