Sunday, 31 May 2015

Twice as bright, half as long

I'm sure you've all heard of speed dating. I’m not sure it necessarily helps you find Prince Charming, but it’s fast and efficient. Like interviewing a few hundred frogs in one evening to see if there’s any you’d like to kiss, without all that risk of warts. Or is it?

Have we gone far enough? Could we grow the notion of speed dating, but stick to the timing.  In our world of 30 second sound bites… wait – scratch that – 5 second sound bites (sorry I got bored)… apps screaming for attention, red badges on the screen, reality TV and the catastrophisation of everything, who has time for a second date on a second evening? It’s laughable! What about speed relationships?

By all means start with eyes-across-a-crowded-dance-floor, but from there, why not pack a whole relationship into just one evening. Kissing under the mirror ball, proposal in the queue for the bar, consummate it in the toilets, dance for a magic hour or two until the attraction starts to flag, have an affair (also under the mirrorball while he has one in the dark corner next to the cloakroom, which he will later deny even though the evidence is all over Instagram), accuse each other of cheating, make up, both kiss someone else again, have the stand up argument and then get divorced before you’ve even left the club... with on-the-spot counselling provided by Rihanna and Beyoncé (or if you’re at Palms, Whitney and Michael). You don’t even have to delete your Grindr and Scruff profiles or argue about who's on which side of the bed. Since you haven’t had time to add them as a Facebook friend there’s no awkward issues about unfriending them later that morning. So much more efficient.

You think I’m joking? I wish. Actually my record for this kind of a relationship is just three hours. It makes the whole experience so much more intense and without inconvenient things like children and property to divide when it inevitably goes south. Some 'speed exes' may still feel the need to glare at you if your paths cross again, even when it was him that broke it off, but this normally passes in a week or so.“The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long”, says Dr Eldon Tyrell in the film Blade Runner. And you can burn “so very brightly” in just three hours. 

Yesterday I cooked Osso Bucco, an Italian stew of beef shins and vegetables. Three hours into it and the beef was looking, well, tough. It had more in common with shoe leather than with something edible let alone tasty. But I held the line. The simmer at the tiniest of bubblings. Another five hours staying the course. An outrageous, old-fashioned, act of faith. And then something magic happened. Everything relaxed. Everything melted together. And it was good. Better than good. It was delicious.

By all means ask me out on a speed relationship. But just remember you can't divorce me until you've actually married me. And don’t even think about dating me unless you’ve known me for six months. If you have no idea who I am, what makes you think you’d want to have a relationship with me? First things first. Seriously!

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